
The GRESB API is used to submit data for the GRESB Real Estate assessment. Applications can receive historical data when authorised by a given entity. Data needs to be submitted for the asset and portfolio. Asset data is aggregated to the portfolio level (Real Estate assessment) where subsequently evidence is added to support the submitted data. Asset data consists of utility data reflecting the performance of the portfolio. Provided per building, across energy, GHG, water, and waste, for the last two years of data. Portfolio data consists of Management, Performance, Development, and Residential indicators which consist of checkboxes, radiobuttons, text fields, and evidence. See the Real Estate Reference Guide for more information.

For testing the API, we suggest using one of the following tools:

We created a Postman collection which you can use to test the different endpoints. It is not yet fully covering all the different indicator variables of the Real Estate assessment and will be updated at a later stage.

For the data mapping exercise on the portfolio level, you can make use of Real Estate Assessment variables. This file presents most of the variables of a response along with their description, data type, and accepted values.

Basic Operations

For all API actions below the same basic principles apply:

All API actions are over HTTPS. The API is designed in the spirit of REST. JSON is the primary encoding used for content. Access tokens are used to authenticate your application to the API and authorize access to our user's entities.


The API is versioned. With the introduction of portfolio-level endpoints, the current application uses both v0 and v1. This means the base URLs are:

The following paths/endpoints are available:

Path HTTP verbs/methods Version
/certifications GET v1
/entities GET v1
/entities/{entity_id} GET v1
/entities/{entity_id}/assets GET, POST v1
/entities/{entity_id}/assets/{gresb_asset_id} GET, PATCH, DELETE v1
/entities/{entity_id}/assets/batches POST v1
/lists GET v0
/lists/:slug GET v0
/entities/{entity_id}/responses GET v0
/entities/{entity_id}/responses/{response_id} GET v0
/entities/{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/{variable} GET, POST v0
/entities/{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/documents POST v0

Common HTTP Verbs

There are four HTTP verbs we use in the API:

In all cases an error on the part of the client or server could also occur. The very common status of 422 Unprocessable Entity indicates some sort of validation error and 404 Not Found typically indicates an invalid resource URI (e.g. the resource may have been deleted). Other likely codes are below but any HTTP 1.1 code could occur.

Common HTTP Status Codes

Standard HTTP status codes indicate success or failure of an API request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Command was a success. The response body may include the result.
201 Created Command was a success and a new resource has been created. The response body may include the result.
204 No Content Command was a success. There is no further content available.
301 Moved Permanently The request included an older API version that is no longer supported.
400 Bad Request The request was invalid. Often there is a missing parameter. An accompanying error message with further information may be provided.
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were missing or invalid. See authorization for more assistance.
403 Forbidden The request was refused because your account did not receive permission to complete this action.
404 Not Found The requested item does not exist.
422 Unprocessable Entity The request to create or update a resource resulted in validation errors. Error details are returned in the response body.
429 Too Many Requests The request was refused due excessive use. The batch endpoint is rate-limited to prevent abuse. Usage is tracked per access token.
5xx Serverside Error An error has occurred on our servers. Please wait a few minutes and try again or notify us if the errors persists.

Request and Response Encoding

Request parameters should be provided using the application/json Content-Type. The only exception is the IDs of entities or assets which are part of the URLs.

Unless otherwise documented all responses are JSON-encoded. Content-Type: application/json.

Date formats

All date values send to the API must be ISO 8601 formatted (YYYY-MM-DD). Requests with incorrect format on any date fields will be rejected and an error is shown. This rule won't apply if empty values ("" or null) for date fields are given.

API Authorization

The GRESB API requires an access token to make requests to the several endpoints. These access tokens are created through your data partner account in the GRESB Portal and are unique to your application. The process for creating access token is outlined below.

Manage data partner account

Before you will be able to create access tokens, a GRESB data partner account has to be assigned to your GRESB Portal user account. In order to verify if this is the case you will have to login to and confirm that you have the 'Data Partners' tab on the navigation menu.

access data partner account

Your data partner account is where you manage your tokens and users. Any user associated with this account can access the page.

data partner page

When you generate a new token you can give it a name and expiration date. An access token can at most be valid for 1 year.

generate new token

Once generated be sure to copy your access token.

copy token

After generating a number of tokens you'll see an overview in your data partner account. You can delete tokens at any moment in time. After the expiration date they automatically get deactivated.

see tokens

Provide access to data partner

Once you have your data partner account set up your clients need to provide you with access. This is done through their user accounts. When they login they will see an overview of their GRESB reporting entities. For each entity they will need to provide your data partner account with access. This is done one at a time.

participant entities

Once they clicked on one of their reporting entities the will need to go to the 'Data Partner Access Rights' tab.

participant responses

In this page they can grant access to a data partner by selecting the data partner from the list. They can also revoke access at any given time.

grant access

select data partner

granted access

OAuth flow

An OAuth application can be created through your data partner account. Subsequently OAuth can be used to ask a user to grant access. This will then provide access through OAuth for the entities the user has access to. This will only work if the entities are also connected to your data partner account (see previous section). This is meant to secure user permission and saves you the exercise of mapping entities to your own internal platform. Since you can simply show to the user what is returned through OAuth.

An OAuth application can be created through your data partner account.

oauth data partner

If you want to alter the id or change the name you can always return back to your data partner account and edit the OAuth application.

The token generated after the user authorizes your application expires after 2 hours. This then needs to be refreshed, which requires the user to authorize your application again. If the user is still logged in to the GRESB Portal this will not prompt the user to login again.

Obtain OAuth 2.0 Credentials

Before receiving an access token, you must register your application and obtain OAuth credentials. This will include a unique client_id and client_secret. First, ensure that you are logged into your GRESB account, then add your application to your data partner account. You will need to include a name and one or more redirect URIs.

oauth new application

Sample Application

oauth id secret

You may register as many applications as you like.

Requesting API Access

To use OAuth, you must receive authorization from your users to access their entities. There are many ways to do this. This step is typically handled using a client library (see Client Libraries at for examples in many languages). We support the following standard flows:

OAuth Scopes

OAuth allows you to request different levels of access to a user's account. By default all applications are granted access to the public scope. For the GRESB API that doesn't allow access to any user data. To use the API in a meaningful way, you need to request one or more of the following scopes:

Scope Access Endpoints
entities Read access to entities GET /entities and GET /entities/{entity_id}
read:assets Read access to assets GET /entities/{entity_id}/assets and GET /entities/{entity_id}/assets/{asset_id}
write:assets Write access to assets POST /entities/{id}/assets, PATCH/DELETE /entities/{id}/assets/{id}, POST /entities/{entity_id}/assets/batches
read & write:responses Read and write access to responses GET entities/{entity_id}/responses/, GET entities/{entity_id}/responses/{entity_id} and POST entities/{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}

If your user is not already signed in to their GRESB account they will be prompted to sign in or create a new account. Once signed in, the user will then be shown an authorization request with the option to 'Authorize' or 'Deny' your application access.

Example: Web Applications

As an example we will describe in detail the Authorization Code Grant Flow for a web application. This is the most secure method to authorize your application. It is also the most complex and is made simpler by using an OAuth client library.

Step 1 - Request Authorization

An account and reporting entities for the participant user needs to be created on The first time you grant a user access to the GRESB API via your application, link the user to, passing the following parameters:

The full URL should look like this:

If you are testing this on the testing environment, you can use the "Authorize" button, to simulate this step:

authorize test app

Authorization Code Screen:

The user will be requested to authorize or deny access to your application:

authorization screen

If the user denies your request you will receive a request at the redirect_uri with error and error_description parameters:

If the user authorizes your request you will receive a request at the redirect_uri with the authorization code in the code parameter. You will use this to request an access_token. The authorization code will expire in 10 minutes. Once expired a fresh code must be requested. For example if your redirect_uri was you should expect a callback to:

Note: It is also possible to use the urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob as a redirect_uri. Doing this will display the code to the user in a webpage and ask them to copy and paste it into your application's configuration. This might be useful during testing or if your application does not have a web server component.

authorization code screen

It is important to remember that users may revoke your application's access at any time. The easiest course of action if this happens is to request access again starting at Step 1.

Step 2 - Exchange Authorization Code for Access Token

curl \
  -F "client_id=$CLIENT_ID" \
  -F "client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET" \
  -F "grant_type=authorization_code" \
  -F "redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" \


curl \
  -F "access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN" \


  "application": {

You can now request an access token by issuing a POST request to /oauth/token. You must include grant_type=authorization_code, your client_id, client_secret, and the authorization code as parameters to your request. In return you will receive an access_token for you application.

POST /oauth/token?client_id=$CLIENT_ID&client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET&code=$AUTHORIZATION_CODE&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob

Step 3. Use Access Token

The access token can now be used to make requests to the GRESB API. The token must be included either as a Authorization: Bearer HTTP header, or as a request parameter named access_token.

As an HTTP Header:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

As a request parameter:


OAuth Errors


Access Grant Errors

Access Token Errors

Password Access Token Errors

Invalid Tokens

View-only UI

After you have been given access to a reporting entity you will have view-only access to the data forms in the UI. This allows you to see the data uploaded through the API endpoints, as the client would see it. This is especially helpful for the Real Estate assessment, since our current portfolio endpoint does not respond with validation. As such when you access your user account you will see an overview of reporting entities.

data partner entities

When you click on one of the reporting entities you will be able to access the 'Asset Portal' and 'Response'. The asset portal is for viewing the asset data, whereas the response of the GRESB Assessment is for viewing the portfolio data.

view-only data forms

Reporting Entities

For testing purposes, you can create a reporting entity, using the GRESB sandbox portal.

GET /entities

Returns all the entities to which the data partner has access.

curl \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


      "id": {entity_id},
      "name": "API Test Entity",
      "manager": "GRESB",
      "hq_country_code": "NL",
      "hq_country_name": "Netherlands",
      "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "area_units_name": "Square Meters",
            "reporting_period": "fiscal",
            "reporting_period_month": 4,
            "reporting_period_month_name": "April"
      "created_at": {date},
      "updated_at": {date}
      "id": {entity_id_2},
      "name": "API Test Entity 2",
      "manager": "GRESB",
      "hq_country_code": "NL",
      "hq_country_name": "Netherlands",
      "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "area_units_name": "Square Meters",
            "reporting_period": "fiscal",
            "reporting_period_month": 4,
            "reporting_period_month_name": "April"
      "created_at": {date},
      "updated_at": {date}

GET /entities/{entity_id}

Similar to the above, but returns the details on a specific entity, identified by the ID in the URL.

curl{entity_id} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


   "id": {entity_id},
   "name": "API Test Entity",
   "manager": "API Tester",
   "hq_country_code": "NL",
   "hq_country_name": "Netherlands",
   "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
         "currency": "EUR",
         "area_units_name": "Square Meters",
         "reporting_period": "fiscal",
         "reporting_period_month": 4,
         "reporting_period_month_name": "April"
   "created_at": {date},
   "updated_at": {date}

Asset Data

Asset data can be posted via the assets endpoint. The data consists of building characteristics and annual data. Building characteristics are constant over time, whereas annual data changes annually. Some data is only valid for the most current of the two reporting years, other data is valid for both years.

Building characteristics:

Annual data:

You may submit data for any number of buildings (assets) for your user. The respondent may also provide data on other assets or for the same assets but in different sections. The data you access through the API is not specific to your application and include data on the respondent's other assets or sections. In other words, you can access assets from a common pool - as long as the assets are part of the same entity. It is the responsibility of the respondent to make sure that data submitted from multiple API partners does not conflict with each other. This API is designed to meet the needs of applications that upload data to GRESB in real-time or as a batch.

GET /entities/{entity_id}/assets

curl{entity_id}/assets \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Returns the assets of the entity specified in the URL, along with any annual data (if available).


        "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
        "name": "API Created Asset",
        "country": "NL",
        "state_province": "North Holland",
        "city": "Amsterdam",
        "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
        "lat": 52.335915637320596,
        "lng": 4.889755053768094,
        "partners_id": 123456,
        "construction_year": 1800,
        "size": 5000,
        "ownership": 55,
        "property_type_code": "HTL",
        "certifications":    [
            "id": {unique_id},
            "certification_id": 598,
            "name": "BCA Green Mark/Existing Buildings",
            "level": "Platinum",
            "size": 230,
            "year": 2017,
            "_validations": {"errors": {}}
        "annual_data":    [
                "year": {reporting_year - 1},
                "en_tot_wd": 4000,
                "en_tot_we": 900,
                "en_tot_wf": 100,
                "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
                "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
                "owned_entire_period": true,
                "en_ren_ofs_pbl": 900,
                "en_ren_ofs_claim": "BUN",
                "en_ren_ofs_proc_type": "SGF",
                "en_ren_ofs_vin_gen": "PEY",
                "tenant_ctrl": true,
                "was_pcov": 0,
                "wat_tot_w": 5000,
                "whole_building": true,
                "_validations": {
                    "errors": {}}
        "_outliers": [],
        "created_at": {date},
        "updated_at": {date},
        "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_2},
        "name": "The White House",
        "country": "US",
        "state_province": "DC",
        "city": "Washington, DC",
        "address": "1900 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
        "lat": null,
        "lng": null,
        "partners_id": 123456,
        "construction_year": 1792,
        "size": 5000,
        "ownership": null,
        "property_type_code": "HTL",
        "certifications": [
                "id": {unique_id_2},
                "certification_id": 1140,
                "name": "2000-Watt/Site - Operational",
                "level": null,
                "size": 123,
                "year": 2017,
                "_validations": {
                    "errors": {}
        "size": 5000.0,
        "annual_data": [
                "year": {reporting_year - 1},
                "asset_vacancy": 0,
                "en_tot_wd": 4000,
                "en_tot_we": 900,
                "en_tot_wf": 100,
                "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
                "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
                "owned_entire_period": true,
                "tenant_ctrl": true,
                "was_pcov": 0,
                "wat_tot_w": 5000,
                "whole_building": true
                "year": {reporting_year - 2},
                "asset_vacancy": 0,
                "en_tot_lc_te": 112.4,
                "en_tot_wd": 4000,
                "en_tot_we": 900,
                "en_tot_wf": 100,
                "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
                "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
                "owned_entire_period": true,
                "tenant_ctrl": true,
                "was_pcov": 0,
                "wat_tot_w": 5000,
                "whole_building": true
        "_outliers": [],
        "created_at": {date},
        "updated_at": {date}

GET /entities/{entity_id}/assets/{asset_id}

curl{entity_id}/assets/{asset_id} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Returns the asset specified in the URL, along with its annual data (if available).


    "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
    "name": "API Created Asset",
    "country": "NL",
    "state_province": "North Holland",
    "city": "Amsterdam",
    "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
    "lat": 52.335915637320596,
    "lng": 4.889755053768094,
    "partners_id": 123456,
    "construction_year": 1800,
    "size": 5000,
    "ownership": 55,
    "property_type_code": "HTL",
    "certifications": [
            "id": {unique_id},
            "certification_id": 598,
            "name": "BCA Green Mark/Existing Buildings",
            "level": "Platinum",
            "size": 230,
            "year": 2017
    "annual_data": [
            "year": {reporting_year - 1},
            "en_tot_wd": 4000,
            "en_tot_we": 900,
            "en_tot_wf": 100,
            "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
            "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
            "owned_entire_period": true,
            "tenant_ctrl": true,
            "was_pcov": 0,
            "wat_tot_w": 5000,
            "whole_building": true,
            "year": {reporting_year - 2},
            "en_tot_wd": 4000,
            "en_tot_we": 900,
            "en_tot_wf": 100,
            "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
            "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
            "owned_entire_period": true,
            "tenant_ctrl": true,
            "was_pcov": 0,
            "wat_tot_w": 5000,
            "whole_building": true,
            "en_tot_lc_te": 112.4

POST /entities/{entity_id}/assets

Creates a new asset for the specified entity in the URL. Returns the created asset, along with any validation errors and warnings.

Some validation errors will prevent the asset from being created. Check the gresb_asset_id to verify that an asset is created and has unique ID assigned.

name, country, state_province, city, and ownership are the 5 fields required to create an asset and are all posted year agnostically. The fields size and property_type_code also exist outside the annual_data object. They are considered for the most recent reporting year (meaning it won't affect historical data submissions if these are changed in a following year).

If no record for that year is available, a new one will be created. Old records will be updated but won't have any effect on past surveys and rankings. You can update data for up to 5 years prior to the Assessment year.

For certifications we require the certification_id and the size (the size of your asset that received the certification). If a certification is divided in multiple levels, we also require the level.

For a complete list of fields, and their meaning, see the Data Dictionary.

To bulk-create more than a few assets, please submit a Batch Operation.

curl -X POST{entity_id}/assets \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<JSON


    "name": "API Created Asset",
    "country": "NL",
    "state_province": "North Holland",
    "city": "Amsterdam",
    "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
    "lat": 52.335915637320596,
    "lng": 4.889755053768094,
    "partners_id": 123456,
    "construction_year": 1800,
    "size": 5000,
    "ownership": 55,
    "property_type_code": "HTL",
    "certifications": [
            "id": {unique_id},
            "certification_id": 598,
            "name": "BCA Green Mark/Existing Buildings",
            "level": "Platinum",
            "size": 230,
            "year": 2017
    "annual_data": [
            "year": {reporting_year - 1},
            "en_tot_wd": 4000,
            "en_tot_we": 900,
            "en_tot_wf": 100,
            "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
            "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
            "owned_entire_period": true,
            "tenant_ctrl": true,
            "was_pcov": 0,
            "wat_tot_w": 5000,
            "whole_building": true,
            "year": {reporting_year - 2},
            "en_tot_wd": 4000,
            "en_tot_we": 900,
            "en_tot_wf": 100,
            "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
            "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
            "owned_entire_period": true,
            "tenant_ctrl": true,
            "was_pcov": 0,
            "wat_tot_w": 5000,
            "whole_building": true,
            "en_tot_lc_te": 112.4


    "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
    "name": "API Created Asset",
    "country": "NL",
    "state_province": "North Holland",
    "city": "Amsterdam",
    "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
    "lat": 52.335915637320596,
    "lng": 4.889755053768094,
    "partners_id": 123456,
    "construction_year": 1800,
    "size": 5000,
    "ownership": 55,
    "property_type_code": "HTL",
    "certifications": [
            "id": {unique_id},
            "certification_id": 598,
            "name": "BCA Green Mark/Existing Buildings",
            "level": "Platinum",
            "size": 230,
            "year": 2017,
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {}
    "annual_data": [
            "year": {reporting_year - 1},
            "en_tot_wd": 4000,
            "en_tot_we": 900,
            "en_tot_wf": 100,
            "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
            "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
            "owned_entire_period": true,
            "tenant_ctrl": true,
            "was_pcov": 0,
            "wat_tot_w": 5000,
            "whole_building": true,
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {}
            "year": {reporting_year - 2},
            "en_tot_wd": 4000,
            "en_tot_we": 900,
            "en_tot_wf": 100,
            "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
            "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
            "owned_entire_period": true,
            "tenant_ctrl": true,
            "was_pcov": 0,
            "wat_tot_w": 5000,
            "whole_building": true,
            "en_tot_lc_te": 112.4,
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {}
    "_outliers": [],
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date},
    "_validations": {
        "errors": {}

PATCH /entities/{entity_id}/assets/{asset_id}

Updates the asset specified in the URL. This endpoint allows partial updates, meaning you only need to provide the changes you want to apply and they are merged with the existing asset fields. To clear an existing value, you need to explicitly set it to null. The changed asset is validated and is only saved if there are no validation errors. In all cases, you get a response with all the asset fields and any validation errors/warnings.

In the example shown on the right, we attempt to increase size from 5000 to 6000; however, the requested update does not get recorded due to the new value having introduced validation errors. Make note of the HTTP status informing the user of the unprocessed content when there is such a case.

For a complete list of fields, and their meaning, see the Data Dictionary.

To bulk-update more than a few assets, please submit a Batch Operation.

curl -X PATCH{entity_id}/assets/{asset_id} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<JSON


    "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
    "size": 6000,



    "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
    "country": "NL",
    "state_province": "North Holland",
    "city": "Amsterdam",
    "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
    "lat": 52.335915637320596,
    "lng": 4.889755053768094,
    "partners_id": 123456,
    "construction_year": 1800,
    "size": 6000,
    "ownership": 60,
    "property_type_code": "HTL",
    "certifications": [
            "id": {unique_id},
            "certification_id": 598,
            "name": "BCA Green Mark/Existing Buildings",
            "level": "Platinum",
            "size": 230,
            "year": 2017,
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {}
    "annual_data": [
            "year": {reporting_year - 1},
            "en_tot_wd": 4000,
            "en_tot_we": 900,
            "en_tot_wf": 100,
            "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
            "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
            "owned_entire_period": true,
            "tenant_ctrl": true,
            "was_pcov": 0,
            "wat_tot_w": 5000,
            "whole_building": true,
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {
                    "ghg_tot_s3_w": [
                        "Must be less than or equal to size",
                        "Must be equal to size if the whole building is tenant controlled"
                    "en_tot_wf": [
                        "Must be less than or equal to size"
                    "wat_tot_w": [
                        "must be equal to size"
            "year": {reporting_year - 2},
            "en_tot_wd": 4000,
            "en_tot_we": 900,
            "en_tot_wf": 100,
            "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
            "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
            "owned_entire_period": true,
            "tenant_ctrl": true,
            "was_pcov": 0,
            "wat_tot_w": 5000,
            "whole_building": true,
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {
                    "ghg_tot_s3_w": [
                        "Must be less than or equal to size",
                        "Must be equal to size if the whole building is tenant controlled"
                    "en_tot_wf": [
                        "Must be less than or equal to size"
                    "wat_tot_w": [
                        "must be equal to size"
    "_outliers": [],
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date},
    "_validations": {
        "errors": {}

DELETE /entities/{entity_id}/assets/{asset_id}

Deletes the asset specified in the URL. Returns the deleted asset if the operation is successful.

curl -X DELETE{entity_id}/assets/{asset_id} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


    "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
    "country": "NL",
    "state_province": "North Holland",
    "city": "Amsterdam",
    "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
    "lat": 52.335915637320596,
    "lng": 4.889755053768094,
    "partners_id": 123456,
    "construction_year": 1800,
    "ownership": 60,
    "certifications": [],
    "size": 5000.0,
    "annual_data": [],
    "_outliers": [],
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date}

POST /entities/{entity_id}/asset_spreadsheet_export

Exports all the entity's assets to a XSLX spreadsheet and sends a POST request to the provided callback URL containing the file URL. It will be accessible for 15 minutes.

curl -X POST{entity_id}/asset_spreadsheet_export \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -d "callback_url=https://your.callback.url"

Callback request:

    "url": ""

Asset Batch Operations

The API offers an endpoint specifically for scenarios when you need to create or update multiple assets with one request. The request format is similar, with one major difference: all asset representations are enclosed in an array, and assigned to fields which are named create, always_create, update, always_update and delete depending on what you want to do with the array of assets. All five fields are optional. In any case, you probably want to provide at least one, otherwise no operation will be performed.

Request format

    "create": [
      // any number of asset representations
    "always_create": [
      // Same as above, but always creates all items even if they fail
      // some validation rules. A few attributes (see below) are still
      // required, and the batch will fail if they are not found/valid.
    "update": [
      // any number of partial asset representations
      // each one must include "gresb_asset_id"
    "always_update": [
      // Same as above, but always updates all (found) items even if they
      // fail some validation rules.
      // Each one must include "gresb_asset_id".
    "delete": [
      // objects with "gresb_asset_id" only

This endpoint returns a response in a similar format to the request. Instead of create, always_create, update, always_update, delete, you get created, always_created, updated, always_updated, deleted. Each one will contain an array of asset representations which were successfully created, created regardless of validations, successfully updated, updated regardless of validations, or deleted, respectively.

In addition to the fields above, you will also get invalid, not_found and counts. invalid will contain assets you attempted to create, or update, but failed validation. These records will not be saved and you will get a _validations field for each, with more details. You can use always_create and always_update to bypass the validation procedure.

Please be aware that access to this endpoint is limited in order to prevent abuse or overuse caused by a buggy or malicious client. It happens in two ways:

These values are experimental and therefore are subject to change. However, you are unlikely to reach them during normal operation.

The information about the throttling is also provided in the following headers:

Response format:

    "created": [
      // successfully created assets, with their "gresb_asset_id" added
    "always_created": [
      // created assets (even invalid), with their "gresb_asset_id" added
    "updated": [
      // successfully updated assets, only those whose "gresb_asset_id" exist
    "always_updated": [
      // updated assets (even invalid), only those whose "gresb_asset_id" exist
    "deleted": [
      // successfully deleted assets, only those whose "gresb_asset_id" exist
    "invalid": [
      // failed creates and updates due to validation errors
    "not_found": [
      // failed deletes or updates due to incorrect/missing "gresb_asset_id"
    "counts": { // counts of the items in the arrays above
        "created": 0,
        "always_created": 0,
        "updated": 0,
        "always_updated": 0,
        "deleted": 0,
        "invalid": 0,
        "not_found": 0

POST /entities/{entity_id}/assets/batches

curl -X POST{entity_id}/assets/batches \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @-

In this example, we are going to create two new assets where one is always created, update two existing assets where one is always updated, and delete two assets.

Many required fields are missing for brevity. The example response shows what you would expect to get back.


    "create": [
            "name": "The White House",
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
            "construction_year": 1800,
            "size": 5000,
            "partners_id": 123456,
            "property_type_code": "HTL",
            "certifications": [{
                    "certification_id": 598,
                    "name": "BCA Green Mark/Existing Buildings",
                    "level": "Platinum",
                    "size": 230,
                    "year": 2017
            "annual_data": [{
                    "year": {reporting_year - 1},
                    "en_tot_wd": 4000,
                    "en_tot_we": 900,
                    "en_tot_wf": 100,
                    "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
                    "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
                    "owned_entire_period": true,
                    "tenant_ctrl": true,
                    "was_pcov": 0,
                    "wat_tot_w": 5000,
                    "whole_building": true,
                    "asset_vacancy": 0
    "always_create": [
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            "name": "The White House 2",
            "property_type_code": "HTL",
            "annual_data": [
                    "year": {reporting_year - 1},
    "update": [
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_update},
            "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
            "name": "The Grand White House",
            "property_type_code": "HTL",
            "annual_data": [
                    "year": {reporting_year - 1},
    "always_update": [
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_always_update},
            "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
            "name": "The Pink House",
            "annual_data": [
                    "year": {reporting_year - 2},
                    "tenant_ctrl": false

    "delete": [
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_delete}
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_delete_2}


   "created": [
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_create},
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
            //...trimmed for brevity ...
            "_outliers": [],
            "created_at": {date},
            "updated_at": {date},
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {}
    "always_created": [
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_always_create},
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            "size": null,
            "name": "The White House 2",
            "property_type_code": "HTL",
            //...trimmed for brevity ...
            "annual_data": [      {
                "year": {reporting_year - 1},
                "owned_entire_period": false,
                "_validations": {
                        "tenant_ctrl": ["must be true or false"],
                        "ownership_from": ["Either ownership_from or ownership_to must be present if asset is not owned for entire reporting period"],
                        "ownership_to": ["Either ownership_from or ownership_to must be present if asset is not owned for entire reporting period"]
            "_outliers": [],
            "created_at": {date},
            "updated_at": {date},
            "_validations": {
                    "asset_size": ["is not a number"]
   "updated": [
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_update},
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            //...trimmed for brevity ...
            "_outliers": [],
            "created_at": {date},
            "updated_at": {date}
    "always_updated": [
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_always_update},
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
            //...trimmed for brevity ...
            "_outliers": [],
            "created_at": {date},
            "updated_at": {date},
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {}
    "deleted":  [
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_delete},
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            //...trimmed for brevity ...
            "_outliers": [],
            "created_at": {date},
            "updated_at": {date},
            "_validations": {"errors": {}}
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_delete_2},
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            //...trimmed for brevity ...
            "_outliers": [],
            "created_at": {date},
            "updated_at": {date},
            "_validations": {
            "errors": {}
   "invalid": [],
   "not_found": [],
   "counts":    {
      "created": 1,
      "always_created": 1,
      "updated": 1,
      "always_updated": 1,
      "deleted": 2,
      "invalid": 0,
      "not_found": 0

Asset Outliers

curl{entity_id}/assets \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

GRESB provides a realtime outlier check to ensure high data quality and automatically flags values that seem to be out of the norm. Outlier checks are performed after creating or updating a portfolio asset.

If validation outliers have been detected, the outliers:[] field in the response will list them accordingly.


        "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
        "country": "US",
        "state_province": "DC",
        "city": "Washington, DC",
        // ... trimmed for brevity ...
        "certifications": [   {
            "id": {unique_id},
            "certification_id": 598,
            // ... trimmed for brevity ...
   "asset_size": "6000.0",
        "annual_data": [
              "year": {reporting_year - 1},
              // ... trimmed for brevity ...
              "year": {reporting_year - 2},
              // ... trimmed for brevity ...
        "_outliers": [
            "kpi": "en",
            "type": "intensity",
            "accepted": true,
            "value": "2.5627716"
            "kpi": "en",
            "type": "lfl",
            "accepted": true,
            "value": "-28.20623403"
            "kpi": "ghg",
            "type": "lfl",
            "accepted": false,
            "value": "-95.59816432"
      "created_at": {date},
      "updated_at": {date},
      "_validations": {"errors": {}}

Outlier types:



Asset Validation Endpoint

The API offers an endpoint specifically to only validate (multiple) assets. The request format is similar, all asset representations have to be enclosed in an array and are assigned to the fields create or update.

The update array requires assets with an gresb_asset_id.

Request format:

    "create": [
      // any number of asset representations
    "update": [
      // any number of partial asset representations
      // each one must include "gresb_asset_id"

Response format:

    "valid": [
      // all records that passed validation
    "invalid": [
      // all invalid records
    "not_found": [
      // failed to find via "gresb_asset_id"
    "counts": { // counts of the items in the arrays above
        "valid": 0,
        "invalid": 0,
        "not_found": 0

POST /entities/{entity_id}/assets/validation

curl -X POST{entity_id}/assets/validation \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @-

In this example, we are going to validate a new asset and an already existing one. Many required fields are missing for brevity, but assume that one of the assets we want to create is valid and the existing one is missing some required data (tenant_ctrl). The example response shows what you would expect to get back. In this case one asset is valid and the other one is invalid.


    "create": [{
        "country": "US",
        "state_province": "DC",
        "city": "Washington, DC",
        //...trimmed for brevity...
        "annual_data": [{
            "year": {reporting_year - 1},
            //...trimmed for brevity...
            "year": {reporting_year - 2},
            //...trimmed for brevity...
    "update": [{
        "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
        "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
        "annual_data": [{
            "year": {reporting_year - 1},
            "tenant_ctrl": null


   "valid": [   
            "gresb_asset_id": null,
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            "size": 5000.0,
            //...trimmed for brevity...
            "certifications": [
                    //...trimmed for brevity...
                    "_validations": {
                        "errors": {}
            "annual_data": [
                    "year": {reporting_year - 1},
                    //...trimmed for brevity...
                    "_validations": {
                        "errors": {}
                    "year": {reporting_year - 2},
                    //...trimmed for brevity...
                    "_validations": {
                        "errors": {}
            "_outliers": [],
            "created_at": null,
            "updated_at": null,
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {}
    "invalid": [
            "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id_2},
            "country": "US",
            "state_province": "DC",
            "city": "Washington, DC",
            "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW",
            "size": 5000.0,
            //...trimmed for brevity...
            "certifications":   [
                    "id": {unique_id},
                    //...trimmed for brevity...
                    "_validations": {
                        "errors": {}
                    "id": {unique_id_2},
                    //...trimmed for brevity...
                    "_validations": {
                        "errors": {}
            "annual_data":  [
                    "year": {reporting_year - 1},
                    //...trimmed for brevity...
                    "_validations": {
                        "errors": {
                            "tenant_ctrl": ["must be true or false"]
            "_outliers": [],
            "created_at": {date},
            "updated_at": {date},
            "_validations": {
                "errors": {}
    "not_found": [],
    "counts":    {
    "valid": 1,
    "invalid": 1,
    "not_found": 0

Asset Data Dictionary

Data may be posted to describe each asset/building and provide an annual snapshot for up to 5 years prior to the current assessment year. The data types and object keys for each field/metric are listed below. Please refer to the Real Estate Reference Guide for more detailed definitions and reporting guidance.

For the data mapping exercise you may consider using the GRESB Asset Spreadsheet. The hidden first row in each data tab holds the variable names which are used in the API endpoint.

Asset characteristics are posted per asset, not per reporting year.

variable type description
gresb_asset_id integer Unique GRESB Asset ID. Generated automatically when creating a new asset. Non-existing IDs or IDs belonging to another portfolio will be rejected.
partners_id integer Self-provided Asset ID to ensure correct mapping within your application.
country character varying (255)

ISO3166 country code. See Country List for further information.

state_province character varying (255) State, province, or region.
city character varying (255) City, town, or village.
address character varying (255) Physical street or postal address.
lat numeric Latitude.
lng numeric Longitude.
construction_year integer Year in which the asset was completed and ready for use.
ownership numeric Percentage of the asset owned by the reporting entity.
name character varying (255) Name of the asset as displayed to the users with access to this portfolio in the Asset Portal.
property_type_code character varying (255)

GRESB property type classification for the asset. See Property Type List for further information.

gav numeric Gross asset value of the asset at the end of the reporting year.
size numeric The total floor area size of the asset - without outdoor/exterior areas. Use the same area metric as reported in RC3.

Certifications and energy ratings are posted per asset, not per reporting year.

variable type description unit
id integer Unique identifier associated to a certification record. Created automatically when creating a new certification record.
certification_id integer The ID of the certification.
size numeric Floor area covered by the certification or energy rating. m2/sq. ft
level character varying (255) The certification level achieved. Only available for some certifications, and mandatory when available.
year integer Year for which the certification is issued.
energy_rating_id integer

The ID of the energy rating. See Energy Ratings for further information.

The following list of fields are posted annually, per reporting year.

variable type description unit
year integer Year that data is being reported for.
en_emr_tba boolean Has a technical building assessment to identify energy efficiency improvements been performed in the last 3 years?
en_emr_amr boolean Energy efficiency measure: Have automatic meter readings for energy been implemented in the last 3 years?
en_emr_asur boolean Energy efficiency measure: Have automation system upgrades/replacements been implemented in the last 3 years?
en_emr_msur boolean Energy efficiency measure: Have management system upgrades/replacements been implemented in the last 3 years?
en_emr_ihee boolean Energy efficiency measure: Have high-efficiency equipment and/or appliances been installed in the last 3 years?
en_emr_iren boolean Energy efficiency measure: Has on-site renewable energy been installed in the last 3 years?
en_emr_oce boolean Energy efficiency measure: Have occupier engagement/informational technology improvements been implemented in the last 3 years?
en_emr_sbt boolean Energy efficiency measure: Have smart grid or smart building technologies been implemented in the last 3 years?
en_emr_src boolean Energy efficiency measure: Has systems commissioning or retro-commissioning been implemented in the last 3 years?
en_emr_wri boolean Energy efficiency measure: Has the wall and/or roof insulation been replaced or modified to improve energy efficiency in the last 3 years?
en_emr_wdr boolean Energy efficiency measure: Have windows been replaced to improve energy efficiency in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_tba boolean Has a technical building assessment to identify water efficiency improvements been performed in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_amr boolean Water efficiency measure: Have automatic meter readings for water been implemented in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_clt boolean Water efficiency measure: Have cooling towers been introduced in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_dsi boolean Water efficiency measure: Have smart or drip irrigation methods been implemented in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_dtnl boolean Water efficiency measure: Has drought-tolerant and/or native landscaping been introduced in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_hedf boolean Water efficiency measure: Have high-efficiency and/or dry fixtures been introduced in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_lds boolean Water efficiency measure: Has a leak detection system been implemented in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_mws boolean Water efficiency measure: Has the installation of water sub-meters been implemented in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_owwt boolean Water efficiency measure: Has a system or process of on-site water treatment been implemented in the last 3 years?
wat_emr_rsgw boolean Water efficiency measure: Has a system or process to reuse storm and/or grey water been implemented in the last 3 years?
was_emr_tba boolean Has a technical building assessment to identify waste efficiency improvements been performed in the last 3 years?
was_emr_clfw boolean Waste efficiency measure: Has composting landscape and/or food waste been implemented in the last 3 years?
was_emr_opm boolean Waste efficiency measure: Has a system or process of ongoing monitoring of waste performance been implemented in the last 3 years?
was_emr_rec boolean Waste efficiency measure: Has a program for local waste recycling been implemented in the last 3 years?
was_emr_wsm boolean Waste efficiency measure: Has a program of waste management been implemented in the last 3 years?
was_emr_wsa boolean Waste efficiency measure: Has a waste stream audit been performed in the last 3 years?
tenant_ctrl boolean Is the whole building tenant-controlled (TRUE) or does the landlord have at least some operational control (FALSE)?
asset_vacancy numeric The average percent vacancy rate. %
owned_entire_period boolean Has the asset been owned for the entire reporting year (TRUE) or was the asset purchased or sold during the reporting year (FALSE)?
ownership_from date If asset was not owned for entire reporting period, date when the asset was purchased or acquired within the reporting year.
ownership_to date If asset was not owned for entire reporting period, date when the asset was sold within the reporting year.
ncmr_status character varying (255) The operational status of the asset: Standing Investment, Major Renovation Project, or New Construction Project, within the reporting year.
ncmr_from date If the asset was under major renovation or new construction, the start date of the project within the reporting year.
ncmr_to date If the asset was under major renovation or new construction, the end date of the project within the reporting year.
whole_building boolean Is the energy consumption data of the asset collected for the whole building (TRUE) or separately for base building and tenant space (FALSE)?
asset_size_common numeric Floor area of the common areas. m2/sq. ft
asset_size_shared numeric Floor area of the shared spaces. m2/sq. ft
asset_size_tenant numeric Floor area of all tenant spaces (all lettable area). m2/sq. ft
asset_size_tenant_landlord numeric Floor area of tenant spaces where the landlord purchases energy. m2/sq. ft
asset_size_tenant_tenant numeric Floor area of tenant spaces where the tenant purchases energy. m2/sq. ft
en_data_from date Date within reporting year from which energy data is available.
en_data_to date Date within reporting year to which energy data is available.
en_abs_wf numeric Absolute and non-normalized fuel consumption for assets reporting on whole building. kWh
en_cov_wf numeric Covered floor area where fuel consumption data is collected for assets reporting on whole building. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_wf numeric Total floor area where fuel supply exists for assets reporting on whole building. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_wd numeric Absolute and non-normalized district heating and cooling consumption for assets reporting on whole building. kWh
en_cov_wd numeric Covered floor area where district heating and cooling consumption data is collected for assets reporting on whole building. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_wd numeric Total floor area where district heating and cooling supply exists for assets reporting on whole building. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_we numeric Absolute and non-normalized electricity consumption for assets reporting on whole building. kWh
en_cov_we numeric Covered floor area where electricity consumption data is collected for assets reporting on whole building. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_we numeric Total floor area where electricity supply exists for assets reporting on whole building. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_bsf numeric Absolute and non-normalized fuel consumption for shared services. kWh
en_cov_lc_bsf numeric Covered floor area where fuel consumption data is collected for shared services. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_lc_bsf numeric Total floor area where fuel supply exists for shared services. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_bsd numeric Absolute and non-normalized district heating and cooling consumption for shared services. kWh
en_cov_lc_bsd numeric Covered floor area where district heating and cooling consumption data is collected for shared services. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_lc_bsd numeric Total floor area where district heating and cooling supply exists for shared services. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_bse numeric Absolute and non-normalized electricity consumption for shared services. kWh
en_cov_lc_bse numeric Covered floor area where electricity consumption data is collected for shared services. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_lc_bse numeric Total floor area where electricity supply exists for shared services. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_bcf numeric Absolute and non-normalized fuel consumption for common areas. kWh
en_cov_lc_bcf numeric Covered floor area where fuel consumption data is collected for common areas. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_lc_bcf numeric Total floor area where fuel supply exists for common areas. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_bcd numeric Absolute and non-normalized district heating and cooling consumption for common areas. kWh
en_cov_lc_bcd numeric Covered floor area where district heating and cooling consumption data is collected for common areas. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_lc_bcd numeric Total floor area where district heating and cooling supply exists for common areas. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_bce numeric Absolute and non-normalized electricity consumption for common areas. kWh
en_cov_lc_bce numeric Covered floor area where electricity consumption data is collected for common areas. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_lc_bce numeric Total floor area where electricity supply exists for common areas. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_tf numeric Absolute and non-normalized fuel consumption for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. kWh
en_cov_lc_tf numeric Covered floor area where fuel consumption data is collected for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_lc_tf numeric Total floor area where fuel supply exists for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_td numeric Absolute and non-normalized district heating and cooling consumption for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. kWh
en_cov_lc_td numeric Covered floor area where district heating and cooling consumption data is collected for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_lc_td numeric Total floor area where district heating and cooling supply exists for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_te numeric Absolute and non-normalized electricity consumption for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. kWh
en_cov_lc_te numeric Covered floor area where electricity consumption data is collected for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_lc_te numeric Total floor area where electricity supply exists for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_tc_tf numeric Absolute and non-normalized fuel consumption for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. kWh
en_cov_tc_tf numeric Covered floor area where fuel consumption data is collected for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_tc_tf numeric Total floor area where fuel supply exists for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_tc_td numeric Absolute and non-normalized district heating and cooling consumption for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. kWh
en_cov_tc_td numeric Covered floor area where district heating and cooling consumption data is collected for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_tc_td numeric Total floor area where district heating and cooling supply exists for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_tc_te numeric Absolute and non-normalized electricity consumption for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. kWh
en_cov_tc_te numeric Covered floor area where electricity consumption data is collected for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_tot_tc_te numeric Total floor area where electricity supply exists for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
en_abs_lc_of numeric Absolute and non-normalized fuel consumption for landlord-controlled outdoor spaces. kWh
en_abs_lc_oe numeric Absolute and non-normalized electricity consumption for landlord-controlled outdoor spaces. kWh
en_abs_tc_of numeric Absolute and non-normalized fuel consumption for tenant-controlled outdoor spaces. kWh
en_abs_tc_oe numeric Absolute and non-normalized electricity consumption for tenant-controlled outdoor spaces. kWh
en_abs_nopr_ev numeric Non-operational energy consumption by EV charging stations. kWh
en_ren_ons_con numeric Renewable energy generated and consumed on-site by the landlord. kWh
en_ren_ons_exp numeric Renewable energy generated on-site and exported by the landlord. kWh
en_ren_ons_tpt numeric Renewable energy generated and consumed on-site by the tenant or a third party. kWh
en_ren_ofs_pbl numeric Renewable energy generated off-site and purchased by the landlord. kWh
en_ren_ofs_pbt numeric Renewable energy generated off-site and purchased by the tenant. kWh
en_ren_ofs_proc_type character varying (255) Captures how renewable energy is being procured.
en_ren_ofs_claim character varying (255) Specify if there are any market-based renewable energy claims.
en_ren_ofs_prox character varying (255) Refers to how close the energy source is to where the energy is consumed.
en_ren_ofs_vin_gen character varying (255) Refers to how close the timing of energy generation is to when the energy is consumed.
ghg_abs_s1_w numeric GHG scope 1 emissions generated by the asset. metric ton
ghg_cov_s1_w numeric Covered floor area where GHG scope 1 emissions data is collected. m2/sq. ft
ghg_tot_s1_w numeric Total floor area where GHG scope 1 emissions can exist. m2/sq. ft
ghg_abs_s1_o numeric GHG scope 1 emissions generated by the outdoor spaces associated with the asset. metric ton
ghg_abs_s2_lb_w numeric GHG scope 2 emissions generated by the asset, calculated using the location-based method. metric ton
ghg_cov_s2_lb_w numeric Covered floor area where GHG scope 2 emissions data is collected, calculated using the location-based method. m2/sq. ft
ghg_tot_s2_lb_w numeric Total floor area where GHG scope 2 emissions can exist, calculated using the location-based method. m2/sq. ft
ghg_abs_s2_lb_o numeric GHG scope 2 emissions generated by the outdoor spaces associated with the asset, calculated using the location-based method. metric ton
ghg_abs_s2_mb_w numeric GHG scope 2 emissions generated by the asset, calculated using the market-based method. metric ton
ghg_abs_s2_mb_o numeric GHG scope 2 emissions generated by the outdoor spaces associated with the asset, calculated using the market-based method. metric ton
ghg_abs_s3_w numeric GHG scope 3 emissions generated by the asset. metric ton
ghg_cov_s3_w numeric Covered floor area where GHG scope 3 emissions data is collected. m2/sq. ft
ghg_tot_s3_w numeric Total floor area where GHG scope 3 emissions can exist. m2/sq. ft
ghg_abs_s3_o numeric GHG scope 3 emissions generated by the outdoor spaces associated with the asset. metric ton
ghg_abs_offset numeric GHG offsets purchased. metric ton
wat_data_from date Date within reporting year from which water data is available.
wat_data_to date Date within reporting year to which water data is available.
wat_abs_w numeric Absolute and non-normalized water consumption for assets reporting on whole building. m3
wat_cov_w numeric Covered floor area where water consumption data is collected for assets reporting on whole building. m2/sq. ft
wat_tot_w numeric Total floor area where water supply exists for assets reporting on whole building. m2/sq. ft
wat_abs_lc_bs numeric Absolute and non-normalized water consumption for shared services. m3
wat_cov_lc_bs numeric Covered floor area where water consumption data is collected for shared services. m2/sq. ft
wat_tot_lc_bs numeric Total floor area where water supply exists for shared services. m2/sq. ft
wat_abs_lc_bc numeric Absolute and non-normalized water consumption for common areas. m3
wat_cov_lc_bc numeric Covered floor area where water consumption data is collected for common areas. m2/sq. ft
wat_tot_lc_bc numeric Total floor area where water supply exists for common areas. m2/sq. ft
wat_abs_lc_t numeric Absolute and non-normalized water consumption for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. m3
wat_cov_lc_t numeric Covered floor area where water consumption data is collected for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
wat_tot_lc_t numeric Total floor area where water supply exists for landlord-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
wat_abs_tc_t numeric Absolute and non-normalized water consumption for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. m3
wat_cov_tc_t numeric Covered floor area where water consumption data is collected for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
wat_tot_tc_t numeric Total floor area where water supply exists for tenant-controlled tenant spaces. m2/sq. ft
wat_abs_lc_o numeric Absolute and non-normalized water consumption for landlord-controlled outdoor spaces. m3
wat_abs_tc_o numeric Absolute and non-normalized water consumption for tenant-controlled outdoor spaces. m3
wat_rec_ons_reu numeric Volume of greywater and/or blackwater reused in on-site activities. m3
wat_rec_ons_cap numeric Volume of rainwater, fog, or condensate that is treated and purified for reuse and/or recycling. m3
wat_rec_ons_ext numeric Volume of extracted groundwater that is treated and purified for reuse and/or recycling. m3
wat_rec_ofs_pur numeric Volume of recycled water purchased from a third party. m3
was_data_from date Date within reporting year from which waste data is available.
was_data_to date Date within reporting year to which waste data is available.
was_abs_haz numeric Absolute and non-normalized hazardous waste produced by asset. metric ton
was_abs_nhaz numeric Absolute and non-normalized non-hazardous waste produced by asset. metric ton
was_pcov numeric Percent coverage out of total asset size where waste data is collected. %
was_pabs_lf numeric Percentage of total waste sent to landfill. %
was_pabs_in numeric Percentage of total waste incinerated. %
was_pabs_ru numeric Percentage of total waste reused. %
was_pabs_wte numeric Percentage of total waste converted to energy. %
was_pabs_rec numeric Percentage of total waste recycled. %
was_pabs_oth numeric Percentage of total waste where disposal route is other or unknown. %

Asset Certifications

We provide a list of available building certifications that can be assigned to an asset. Some certifications have various levels available. In those cases, the level field is mandatory for an asset.

GET /certifications



      "id": 585,
      "name": "ABINC Certification/Urban Development and Shopping Centre",
      "country": "JP",
      "status": "both"
      "id": 895,
      "name": "Austin Energy/Austin Energy Green Building",
      "status": "both"
      "id": 598,
      "name": "BCA Green Mark/Existing Buildings",
      "levels":       [
      "country": "SG",
      "status": "operational"
   // ... trimmed for brevity ...

Create certifications

Certification records can be created by sending the certification_id, level (when relevant), size and year within the certifications array. The certification_id in constraint with the level and year is unique for each asset.

The response includes a unique id, which is the identifier for the particular association record created. If id is not returned, then the record is not created.

Data is not overwritten by sending another certification. If the certification data does not include an id, we always try to create a new association.



    "certifications": [
            "certification_id": 999,
            "level": "GoldPlus",
            "size": 123,
            "year": 2017


        "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
        "country": "NL",
        "state_province": "North Holland",
        "city": "Amsterdam",
        "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
        "lat": 52.335915637320596,
        "lng": 4.889755053768094,
        "partners_id": 123456,
        "construction_year": 1800,
        "size": 5000.0,
        "ownership": 55,
        "certifications":    [
                "id": null,
                "certification_id": null,
                "name": null,
                "level": null,
                "size": 123,
                "_validations": {
                    "errors": {
                        "certification": [
                            "must exist"
        "annual_data":    [
                "year": {reporting_year - 1},
                //...trimmed for brevity ...

Update certifications

Provide the unique ID of the certification record, id, to update an existing certification. For example, to update the size of a certification, send the following data: { "certifications": [{ "id": 123456, "size": 234, "year": 2017 }] }

If you don't want to update or add more certifications, you can simply exclude the certifications array from your request.

Remove certifications

To remove certifications you need to provide the id and the key _destroy. certifications: [{ "id": 123456, "_destroy": "1" }]

Asset Energy Ratings

We provide a list of available energy ratings that can be assigned to an asset.

GET /energy_ratings



      "id": 66,
      "name": "Arc Energy Performance Certificate"
      "id": 67,
      "name": "Arc Energy Performance Score"
      "id": 68,
      "name": "BBC Effinergie"
   // ... trimmed for brevity ...

Create, Update and Remove Energy Ratings

Just like building certifications, it is possible to report multiple energy ratings per asset. Encapsulate all the energy ratings in the energy_ratings array and submit to /entities/{entity_id}/assets/{asset_id}. Each energy rating has to have an energy_rating_id and a size specified in order to be valid.

A unique ID will be returned when the energy rating is created for the first time. Returned ID can then be referenced to update and delete the record: energy_ratings: [{ "id": 123456, "_destroy": "1" }]



    "energy_ratings": [
        "energy_rating_id": 57,
        "size": 123
        "energy_rating_id": 66,
        "size": 456


        "gresb_asset_id": {asset_id},
        "name": "API Created Asset",
        "country": "NL",
        "state_province": "North Holland",
        "city": "Amsterdam",
        "address": "Barbara Strozzilaan 374",
        "lat": 52.335915637320596,
        "lng": 4.889755053768094,
        "partners_id": 123456,
        "construction_year": 1800,
        "size": 5000,
        "ownership": 55,
        "property_type_code": "HTL",    
        "certifications":    [
            "id": {unique_id},
            "certification_id": 598,
            "name": "BCA Green Mark/Existing Buildings",
            "level": "Platinum",
            "size": 230,
            "_validations": {"errors": {}}
        "energy_ratings": [
            "id": {unique_id},
            "energy_rating_id": 57,
            "size": 123,
            "_validations": {"errors": {}}
            "id": {unique_id},
            "energy_rating_id": 66,
            "size": 456,
            "_validations": {"errors": {}}
        "annual_data":    [
                "year": {reporting_year - 1},
                "en_tot_wd": 4000,
                "en_tot_we": 900,
                "en_tot_wf": 100,
                "ghg_tot_s3_w": 5000,
                "ncmr_status": "Standing Investment",
                "owned_entire_period": true,
                "tenant_ctrl": true,
                "was_pcov": 0,
                "wat_tot_w": 5000,
                "whole_building": true,
                "_validations": {
                    "errors": {}}
        "_outliers": [],
        "created_at": {date},
        "updated_at": {date},

Portfolio Data

With the introduction of portfolio-level endpoints, users associated with a data partnership can now submit portfolio-level data on behalf of the reporting entities and fill in the Real Estate Assessment in full. Mind that portfolio-level APIs do not serve all the functionalities in the Portal, such as aggregation, validation, and submission; meaning that API users should still make use of the Portal UI for the end-to-end submission flow.

Portfolio data needs to be submitted per indicator, and requires many requests to submit one full assessment. Each portfolio-level variable corresponds to their own endpoint, and all portfolio-level endpoints are situated in v0:


A full list of variables, along with their description, data type, and accepted values can be found in the Excel version of the Real Estate Assessment. See introduction for the Postman collection.

After performing a GET request to learn the variable's current value and lock version, a POST request can be sent in a payload, for example:

    "lock_version": "1",
    "value": "1"

Variable Patterns

Base patterns are mostly used in the tables where data fields and variables are identified with a combination of its components. These components are mostly property type, country, utility, and other variable codes which in many cases, correspond to their respective row and/or columns. R1, T1.1, T1.2, BC1.1, BC1.2, BC2, DR1, DBC1.2 are examples of tables which make use of variable patterns.

For example to submit percentage of GAV (gross asset value) for any of the benchmark categories under R1 table which represents the property type and country composition of the portfolio, base pattern of R_1_TBL_PGAV_ should be followed by the code of the country and property type of the benchmark.

Assuming that we would like to report % of GAV for assets based in the Netherlands with property type Hotel: full variable would be R_1_TBL_PGAV_NL.HTL, in which country preceeds property type code.

You can find the variables for property types and countries in the following ways:

Refer to our Variable Whitelist document for a clear overview of all the variables which the users are allowed to interact with.

GET /lists

Requests info on all the picklist (dropdown options).

curl \


        "slug": "equity_asset_type",
        "name": "All current real estate property types",
        "updated_at": {date}
        "slug": "location",
        "name": "All current locations from locations table",
        "updated_at": {date}
    // ... trimmed for brevity ...

GET /lists/:slug

Requests info on a specific picklist and lists all the available picklist items. In this example we request the picklist items for country.

curl \


    "slug": "country",
    "name": "Country (ISO3166)",
    "updated_at": "2019-04-11T15:30:36.132Z",
    "items": [
            "label": "Afghanistan",
            "value": "AF"
            "label": "Albania",
            "value": "AL"
            "label": "Algeria",
            "value": "DZ"
        // ... trimmed for brevity ...

GET /entities/{entity_id}/responses

Requests the assessment responses associated with the entity.

curl{entity_id}/responses \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


        "id": {response_id},
        "entity_id": {entity_id},
        "business_line": "real_estate",
        "survey_year": {survey_year},
        "name": "API Test Entity",
        "manager": "GRESB",
        "status": "in_progress",
        "survey_open": true,
        "assessment_type": "real_estate",
        "percent_completed": 65,
        "created_at": {date},
        "updated_at": {date}
        "id": {response_id},
        "entity_id": {entity_id},
        "business_line": "real_estate",
        "survey_year": {survey_year},
        "name": "API Test Entity",
        "manager": "GRESB",
        "status": "new",
        "survey_open": true,
        "assessment_type": "sfdr_re",
        "percent_completed": 0,
        "created_at": {date},
        "updated_at": {date}

GET /entities/{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}

Requests info on the specific assessment response.

curl{entity_id}/responses/{response_id} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


        "id": {response_id},
        "entity_id": {entity_id},
        "business_line": "real_estate",
        "survey_year": {survey_year},
        "name": "API Test Entity",
        "manager": "GRESB",
        "status": "in_progress",
        "survey_open": true,
        "assessment_type": "real_estate",
        "percent_completed": 65,
        "created_at": {date},
        "updated_at": {date}

GET /entities/{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/{variable}

Requests the data for the variable in the endpoint.

curl{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/{variable} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


    "variable": {variable},
    "value": "1",
    "lock_version": "1",
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date}

POST /entities/{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/{variable}

Updates the variable in the endpoint. null can be sent to clear the value of a variable.

curl{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/{variable} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<JSON


    "lock_version": "1",
    "value": "1"


    "id": 12345678,
    "analysis_id": 12345,
    "variable": {variable},
    "value": "1",
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date},
    "validator_id": null,
    "validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validator_id": null,
    "reachable_on_submit": null,
    "raw_value": null,
    "decimal_separator": null,
    "validatable": false,
    "session_ident": null,
    "lock_version": 1,
    "validation_color": null,
    "validation_escalate": false,
    "validator_validation_date": null,
    "secondary_validation_date": null,
    "automatic_validation": false,
    "similar_value_id": null,
    "similar_value_count": null

Portfolio Evidence

Evidence uploads are either hyperlinks or files, depending on available options per indicator. It is possible to submit more than one evidence per indicator.

Multiple steps need to be taken to submit an evidence item and it is not possible to combine these steps within one request. Similar to the UI, each evidence submission has to indicate file type, a valid URL pointing to the evidence, and notes. An additional step can be taken to change the setting for sharing the evidence document to investors. This setting is not applicable when submitting evidence as a hyperlink (shared with investors by defualt).

In order to upload a hyperlink as evidence, a total of 3 requests should be send. First indicate file type, secondly post the hyperlink URL, and thirdly share any evidence notes to indicate where in the hyperlink the supporting information can be found.

In this example, let us share a public URL as evidence for the indicator PO1 in Management > Policies.

POST values/{variable} - Indicate Evidence Type for Hyperlink

Indicate evidence type as hyperlink by sending H as the value.

curl{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/PO_1_A1_EVD_TYPE_1 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<JSON


    "lock_version": "1",
    "value": "H"


    "id": 12345678,
    "analysis_id": 12345,
    "variable": "PO_1_A1_EVD_TYPE_1",
    "value": "H",
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date},
    "validator_id": null,
    "validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validator_id": null,
    "reachable_on_submit": true,
    "raw_value": null,
    "decimal_separator": null,
    "validatable": false,
    "session_ident": null,
    "lock_version": 1,
    "validation_color": null,
    "validation_escalate": false,
    "validator_validation_date": null,
    "secondary_validation_date": null,
    "automatic_validation": false,
    "similar_value_id": null,
    "similar_value_count": null

POST values/{variable} - Indicate the Hyperlink URL

Post the hyperlink for the evidence document as a string.

curl{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/PO_1_A1_EVD_LINK_1 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<JSON


    "lock_version": 1,
    "value": ""


    "id": 12345678,
    "analysis_id": 12345,
    "variable": "PO_1_A1_EVD_LINK_1",
    "value": "",
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date},
    "validator_id": null,
    "validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validator_id": null,
    "reachable_on_submit": true,
    "raw_value": null,
    "decimal_separator": null,
    "validatable": false,
    "session_ident": null,
    "lock_version": 1,
    "validation_color": null,
    "validation_escalate": false,
    "validator_validation_date": null,
    "secondary_validation_date": null,
    "automatic_validation": false,
    "similar_value_id": null,
    "similar_value_count": null

POST values/{variable} - Add Evidence Notes for Hyperlink

Add a note to indicate where the evidence can be found.

curl{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/PO_1_A1_EVD_NOTES_1 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<JSON


    "lock_version": 1,
    "value": "Our policies on environmental issues can be found within the second report on our public documents page."


    "id": 12345678,
    "analysis_id": 12345,
    "variable": "PO_1_A1_EVD_NOTES_1",
    "value": "Our policies on environmental issues can be found within the second report on our public documents page.",
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date},
    "validator_id": null,
    "validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validator_id": null,
    "reachable_on_submit": true,
    "raw_value": null,
    "decimal_separator": null,
    "validatable": false,
    "session_ident": null,
    "lock_version": 1,
    "validation_color": null,
    "validation_escalate": false,
    "validator_validation_date": null,
    "secondary_validation_date": null,
    "automatic_validation": false,
    "similar_value_id": null,
    "similar_value_count": null

Upload File as Evidence

In order to upload a file as evidence, total of 3 requests should be send. First one is to indicate answer name, file type and the URL of the file, second one is to share notes, and final (optional) one to make the file accessible to investors within the Benchmark Report.

In this example, let us upload a PDF document as our second evidence for the indicator PO1 in Management > Policies.

POST /documents - Indicate Evidence Type and URL for File

Evidence documents which are not public hyperlinks can be uploaded to entities/{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/documents endpoint. Answer name, evidence type, and URL are all mandatory fields and should be send within the same request body. Indicate file type as F.

curl{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/documents \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<JSON


    "answer_name": "PO_1_A1_EVD",
    "lock_version": "0",
    "evidence_type": "F",
    "url": ""


    "answer_name": "PO_1_A1_EVD",
    "item_number": 1,
    "evidence_type": "F",
    "report_url": "{report_id}/PO_3_A1_EVD/documents/1",
    "variables": {
        "TYPE": {
            "variable": "PO_1_A1_EVD_TYPE_2",
            "value": "F"
        "DOCID": {
            "variable": "PO_1_A1_EVD_DOCID_2",
            "value": "123456"
        "NOTES": {
            "variable": "PO_1_A1_EVD_NOTES_2",
            "value": null
        "SHARE": {
            "variable": "PO_1_A1_EVD_SHARE_2",
            "value": null

POST values/{variable} - Add Evidence Notes for File

Add a note to indicate where the evidence can be found.

curl{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/PO_1_A1_EVD_NOTES_2 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<JSON


    "lock_version": 1,
    "value": "Our policies on environmental issues can be found on page 12 of our ESG Policy Report."


    "id": 12345678,
    "analysis_id": 12345,
    "variable": "PO_1_A1_EVD_NOTES_2",
    "value": "Our policies on environmental issues can be found on page 12 of our ESG Policy Report.",
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date},
    "validator_id": null,
    "validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validator_id": null,
    "reachable_on_submit": true,
    "raw_value": null,
    "decimal_separator": null,
    "validatable": false,
    "session_ident": null,
    "lock_version": 1,
    "validation_color": null,
    "validation_escalate": false,
    "validator_validation_date": null,
    "secondary_validation_date": null,
    "automatic_validation": false,
    "similar_value_id": null,
    "similar_value_count": null

POST values/{variable} - Share File with Investors

As opposed to a public hyperlink, a file uploaded to the system is not visible to investors by default. To make the evidence file accessible to investors, set the sharing setting to true by sending 1 as value to the corresponding endpoint.

curl{entity_id}/responses/{response_id}/values/PO_1_A1_EVD_SHARE_2 \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d @- <<JSON


    "lock_version": 1,
    "value": 1


    "id": 12345678,
    "analysis_id": 12345,
    "variable": "PO_1_A1_EVD_SHARE_2",
    "value": 1,
    "created_at": {date},
    "updated_at": {date},
    "validator_id": null,
    "validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validation_status": null,
    "secondary_validator_id": null,
    "reachable_on_submit": true,
    "raw_value": null,
    "decimal_separator": null,
    "validatable": false,
    "session_ident": null,
    "lock_version": 1,
    "validation_color": null,
    "validation_escalate": false,
    "validator_validation_date": null,
    "secondary_validation_date": null,
    "automatic_validation": false,
    "similar_value_id": null,
    "similar_value_count": null

Evidence Delete

Evidence documents can be removed by settng the evidence type, URL, notes, and sharing settings to null in the corresponding endpoints.

API Version History

All updates to our API will be documented in this section. If a backwards-incompatible update is released, all API users will be notified in advance and be given ample time to upgrade.

Version 2.05 – Jan 16, 2025
  • Introduction of new attributes for Renewable Energy (procurement quality) and their validation logic.
  • Recategorise some annual data fields as asset characteristics in the json request format.
  • Rename some annual data fields by removing the prefix asset_.
  • Introduction of new supplementary Residential component in the portfolio response endpoints.
Version 2.04 – Feb 13, 2024
  • Introduction of country as a benchmarking factor (R1.1 and R1.2 merged into R1; DR1.1 and DR1.2 merged into DR1).
  • Introduction of multiple energy ratings.
  • Introduction of year as a mandatory field for building certifications.
  • Introduction of non-operational energy consumption by EV charging stations.
Version 2.03 – May 01, 2023
  • Removed user role and access scope from entities endpoint response example.
Version 2.02 – Mar 15, 2023
  • Reintroduced the user OAuth flow
  • Oauth token expires after 2 hours
  • Oauth token only allows access to entities which belong both to the user and data partner
Version 2.01 – Mar 03, 2023
  • Removed the section on /users since it became obsolete with the introduction of data partners.
  • Moved the notices on certifications and energy ratings to their own sections.
  • Clarified on the asset ownership % becoming a mandatory field.
Version 2.00 – Feb 08, 2023
  • Breaking change: Different authorization flow. Old tokens will be invalidated on April 1, 2023.
  • Added view-only UI for data partners.
  • New sandbox environment.
Version 1.99 – Dec 21, 2022
  • Major update: Release of the portfolio-level endpoints.
  • Added new Postman collection.
  • Documented the v0 portfolio-level endpoints.
  • Added list of portfolio response variables.
Version 1.02 – Apr 26, 2022
  • Specify the use of as base URL.
  • Updated all json requests examples.
  • Removal of = 59 (became a certification).
  • New certifications accessible through GET /certifications on production.
Version 1.01 – Mar 01, 2021
  • Added optional asset_ownership field to the building characteristics section.
Version 1.0 – Feb 01, 2020
  • Breaking change: Introduced API version 1.0. Completely abandoned support for URLs with version 0.
  • Added more data fields for the 2020 assessment.
  • Added ability to view all available historical data.
  • Added ability to update historical data.
  • Added endpoints for certifications and energy ratings.
  • Updated documentation and example requests.
Version 0.94 – Jul 11, 2019
  • Change the rules when X-RateLimit-Remaining header appears.
Version 0.93 – Jul 04, 2019
  • Added set of headers X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Reset and X-RateLimit-Remaining to the batch operations endpoint. They contain information about available usage limits and possible throttling.
Version 0.92 – May 28, 2019
  • Added always_create and always_update keys in the batch batch operations endpoint. These operations are always successful, even if validation fails.
Version 0.91 – Mar 29, 2019
  • Added set of "greater than zero" validation rules based on directlymanaged and wholebuilding.
  • Added set of "maximum coverages" validation rules. No longer possible to report an asset without performance data.
  • Added set of "lfl-eligible" validation rules. If the data coverage did not change you'll have to report consumption for both years.
Version 0.90 – Feb 07, 2019
  • Breaking change: URLs have changed and now include the API version
  • Breaking change: The endpoint for batch operations has changed significantly
  • Major change: There is a single pool of asset data for each entity. All API partners get access to the same assets as the reporting entity. In the past, each API partner had access only to their own set of assets.
  • Major change: To ensure high data quality and integrity, we have added many more validations. As a result, you may find that some of your previously submitted assets are now considered invalid.
Version 0.20 – Dec 08, 2018
  • Decoupled the asset data from the response, allowing partners to submit asset-level data outside the regular survey period
  • Added new /api/entities endpoints
  • Deprecated the old /api/responses endpoints, which now redirect to the new /api/entities endpoints
Version 0.18 – Oct 08, 2018
  • Added parameter provider_id=0 to get asset data from the participant
Version 0.17 – May 08, 2018
  • Added a paragraph and formulas to the Threshold Values section
Version 0.16 – Apr 06, 2018
  • Added outlier thresholds
  • Updated links and added examples where to put data within the JSON requests, see data dictionary
Version 0.15 – Mar 16, 2018
  • Authorization domain is, was deprecated
Version 0.14 – Feb 12, 2018
  • Updated document for the 2018 assessment
Version 0.13 – Apr 24, 2017
  • Asset-level data dictionary formatting
Version 0.12 – Apr 24, 2017
  • Documented missing asset_size and dc_change
Version 0.11 – Apr 21, 2017
  • asset_size_tenant is now split into two fields asset_size_tenant_tenant and asset_size_tenant_landlord"
Version 0.10 – Mar 06, 2017
  • Update mentions of survey_date to use 2017 as an example
  • Rename two field names from asset dictionary published on Jan 26: asset_year should have been asset_const_year, asset_IDM should have been asset_ind
Version 0.9 – Jan 26, 2017
  • Updated data dictionary for 2017 assessment
Version 0.8 – May 04, 2016
  • Documented new /api/user resource
Version 0.7 – Apr 26, 2016
  • Documented asset_country field
  • Documented waste_diverted_lte_100 errors
  • Removed waste_alloc, not_negative errors
  • Corrected documentation for waste_lte_100, present errors
Version 0.6 – Mar 02, 2016
  • Corrected curl example in Step 2 - Exchange Authorization Code For Access Token
Version 0.5 – Feb 24, 2016
  • Corrected "scopes" parameter name in examples which should have been "scope"
  • Removed references to OAUTH flows that aren't fully supported
Version 0.4 – Feb 17, 2016
  • Documented ghg_offset and ghg_net fields
  • Documented was_wd_perc, was_dwe_perc, was_dr_perc, was_do_perc and was_oth_perc fields
  • Removed documentation for field was_r_pec which has been replaced by was_wd_perc and was_dr_perc
  • Adjust code examples for new waste diverted fields
  • Documented cov_lt_tot, cov_value_required, field_invalid, and waste_alloc errors
  • Updated design of API Authorization screens
Version 0.3 – May 15, 2015
  • "Basic Operations" now explains more about our uses of HTTP/REST/JSON
  • Cleaned up some styling
  • Removed commitment to auto-version the API by application
  • Added production URL and remove under-development warning
  • Documented optional major_renovation asset field
Version 0.2 – Apr 17, 2015
  • Added documentation sections on "Get Response" and "Update Response"
  • Added sample output to "Survey Response" examples
  • Added documentation of survey property of response objects
  • Removed incorrect sentence saying responses can be updated by name or manager
  • Change: The response fields: legal_status, property_type, country, survey_date are now read-only instead of optional
Version 0.1 – Feb 13, 2015
  • Initial version